October 10, 2021: Hug (Help Unite Greenbelt) Walk
People of all ages, backgrounds, abilities, ethnicities, beliefs and faiths walked together in a public demonstration of unity and community strength in the annual HUG Walk (Help Unite Greenbelt With A Little Kindness) on Sunday, October 10, 2021.
The HUG WALK began in the Greenbelt Station area of Greenbelt by the Indian Creek Trail entrance located across from the Shell Station on Cherrywood Lane. The walk wound past Franklin Park, Buddy Attick Lake Park, the Roosevelt Center, Greenbriar and Windsor Green. Participants could join along the way; the walk concluded at Schrom Hills Park across from Hunting Ridge.
The HUG WALK was conceived as an antidote to the ongoing divisiveness and frayed social fabric being experienced in our country. RUAK (Random Unselfish Acts of Kindness) organized the walk. The HUG WALK was supported by nearly 60 co-sponsors, including social, civic and religious groups.
HUG WALK schedule
1 p.m. – Gather at the Indian Creek Trail entrance across from the Shell Station on Cherrywood Lane.
1:30 p.m. – Walk steps off.
2 p.m. – Join in at Springhill Lake Recreation Center
2:30 p.m. – Join in at Buddy Attick Park parking lot.
3 p.m. – Join in at Roosevelt Center.
3:30 p.m. – Join in at Greenbriar Community Center.
4 p.m. – Join in at Windsor Green Community Center.
4:30 p.m. – Celebrate the HUG WALK’s finish at Schrom Hills Park.
For more information, contact Robert Goldberg-Strassler at spreadruak@gmail.com.
September 30, 2021: Community Issues Forum
Panel discussion of issues important to City Council elections on November 2, 2021. See:
July 22, 2021: Public Safety
Here in Greenbelt, like around the country, there is a debate taking place around public safety and how best to keep all residents of our community safe. Safety and security are fundamental human needs. So, it is not surprising that we all care a great deal about our families living in a place that is safe and secure. Yet there is a lot of evidence showing that staying safe varies by neighborhood, class, race and ethnicity. Our forum is focused on public safety from the residents’ perspective, not police reform.
Read the article “Good Neighbors Are Crucial For Increased Public Safety” from the Greenbelt News Review on 8/5/2021.
June 27, 2021: Community Croquet Match and Game Day
Co-sponsored by Greenbelt Unplugged, Connecting Across Greenbelt, and Greenbelt RUAK (Random Unselfish Acts of Kindness), we gathered in front of the Greenbelt Library for a free and friendly croquet match and other lawn games such as cornhole and bocce.
May 25, 2021: Bridging the Communities to Stop the Violence
A gathering in front of Greenbelt Library followed by a march to Spellman Overpass to remember George Floyd and others killed by police or vigilante violence. In addition to Connecting Across Greenbelt, the event was sponsored by other organizations such as: Drumming for Wellness, Greenbelt Racial Equity Alliance, Prince Georges’ Peace and Justice Coalition, Prince Georges’ Change Makers, Prince Georges’ Young Democrats, Random Unselfish Acts of Kindness, Strib’ble District, LLC, and Greenbelt Interfaith Leadership Association.
April 18, 2021: Art in the Three Sisters Gardens
Celebrate Spring, invigorate your senses, relax your spirit, clear your mind, be inspired to create art and join the fun in an outside, socially distanced, mask- wearing, Greenbelt neighbor- to-neighbor meeting across and among all of our Greenbelt Neighborhoods.

March 18, 2021: Microaggressions
What are microaggressions? Have you ever been subjected to verbal and/or nonverbal slights? How did you feel? What did you do? Have you ever (unintentionally) slighted others? What were the hidden messages? Join us as we explore this fascinating topic and also learn what can be done when presented with such challenges. Visit the Resources page for links to information on the topic.
February 22, 2021: Yoga Nidra
For this session, we connected with our neighbors as we learned some breathing techniques and joined in community across Greenbelt. Yoga Nidra is one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain. No special equipment or experience in meditation is required. Yoga Nidra is traditionally practiced lying on a mat or blanket on the floor, using additional blankets and pillows as needed, but it can be practiced in any comfortable position, including seated in a chair.
December 2, 2020: Festive Dishes and Celebratory Traditions
Yum! Delicious, mouthwatering foods are eaten during the various holidays celebrated throughout Greenbelt at this time of the year. Learn from our diverse Greenbelt family about why certain foods are connected to different holidays, share recipes and swap stories about our traditions. “The best way to get to know people is by learning about their culture,” says Barbara Ann Jones, a Greenbelt resident. See the collection of holiday traditions recipes shared at the event.
November 17, 2020: Mental Health Conversations
Connecting Across Greenbelt held a conversation aimed at learning from one another how we each adapt to deal with daily challenges in 2020. Greenbelt resident, licensed social worker and therapist Susan Taylor facilitated the conversations. Derrick Faison, Greenbelt fitness instructor, shared additional techniques and Darren Stephenson from CARES discussed how to access assistance when needed. Some of the resulting resources were collected in the Caring and Connecting Toolkit.
Read the article “Connecting Across Greenbelt: Staying Healthy in Tough Times” from the Greenbelt News Review on 11/12/2020.
October 24 & 25, 2020: Greenbelt’s Own Scavenger Hunt (GOSH)
How much do you know about Greenbelt? Join us in a scavenger hunt to explore our city. Many of the selected sites can be seen from the car, those marked with * will require a short walk. Download the GOSH Grid to explore Greenbelt even after the official event.
Read the article “Scavenger Hunt Builds Community, Showcases Hidden Gems” from the Greenbelt News Review on 10/29/2020.