Did you know…?

  • You may request an interpreter for any City activity. These activities include City Council meetings, work sessions and/or public hearings, advisory board and committee meetings, Recreation Department classes and programs, etc. The City will work to find an appropriate interpreter for any language.
  • Online ESOL classes for adults – contact dayoku@greenbeltmd.gov or call 202-740-6473
  • Capital Area Immigrant Rights Coalition (https://www.caircoalition.org) provides legal resources and pro bono representation

The City of Greenbelt also offers the services of a Bilingual Community Outreach Coordinator who works with community partners to develop wellness programs for children, families and seniors residing in Greenbelt, in addition to expanding programs and services tailored to the Spanish speaking community.

CASA (wearecasa.org or 1-866-765-CASA) provides information about becoming a citizen, application support, post-naturalization support as well as information about vocational training programs and social support organizations.

Recent immigrants can find helpful resources collected under the Prince George’s County Memorial Library system using the library link Immigrant Proud.  In addition to providing several language aids like Transparent Language and Mango Languages (both providing an easy to use interface for learning over 100 languages), the Learning Express section offers guides for becoming a citizen as well as practice tests and information about getting a green card. The BrainfuseNow section provides live tutors to help with test preparation.