Did You Know….?
That Greenbelt has its own program to assist older residents?
The Greenbelt Assistance in Living Program (GAIL), available to senior citizens residing in the City of Greenbelt, is set up to provide information and support to enable seniors to remain in their homes. A key feature of this program is a Community Resource Advocate who:
- Coordinates and provides information about, and referrals to, appropriate agencies and community resources for adult residents, caregivers, or family members of the Greenbelt community
- Assists clients in making informed choices about their health and wellness options
- Serves as a liaison between the resident and service provider
- Evaluates the social services needs of each client
- Provides support and training resources to caregivers
To find out how GAIL can help, call Christal Batey 301-345-6660
Nutritional meals are available to Greenbelt Seniors at a nominal cost. To register or get more information call 301-397-2208 X4125
Greenbelt seniors age 60+ or disabled adults 50+ who reside within incorporated City limits can receive up to 6 home visits from student nurses through the Community Nursing Program – a free program based on a partnership between Bowie State & Washington Adventist University Schools of Nursing and GAIL Free services offered include:
- Bathing Assistance
- Blood Sugar Monitoring & Assistance with Finger Sticks
- Health Education
- Vital Signs Monitoring
- Medication Management
Contact Sharon Johnson, GAIL Community Case Manager, to register: office: 240-542-2029 or email: sjohnson@greenbeltmd.gov
Greenbelt Intergenerational Volunteer Exchange Service (GIVES) is a volunteer organization that helps members who need assistance to live independently in their own homes, including transportation, respite care and friendly phone calls. Further information, including how to volunteer or become a member, can be found at https://www.givesgreenbelt.org.
Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland Area (https://habitatmm.org, 301-990-0014 ) offers Aging in Place Services including assistive devices, structural adaptations and help with functional limitations as does Maryland through the Department of Housing and Community Development (800-756-0119) To be eligible, one must be at least 65 years old and meet income and other requirements.
The Prince George’s County Memorial Library System has a variety of programs to benefit seniors:
- Books By Mail, a free service for any Prince George’s County resident who can no longer access the library due to physical disabilities or vision impairment;
- Ready, Set, Bank is a program offered in cooperation with PGCMLS Foundation for older adults that addresses safe online banking;
- PGCMLS also maintains its partnership with the Prince George’s Senior Provider Network (PGSPN) which shares programs and resources through a link on the PGCMLS website under Senior Suite.
- PGCMLS Senior Suite also has a link to United Communities Against Poverty (UCAP) which provides a wide variety of services and programs to help the residents of Prince George’s County, Md. Programs range from Weatherization and Energy Assistance to an Emergency Food Pantry and Housing Assistance.
- Senior citizens aged 65 and up can purchase a Senior SmarTrip® card at four library branches. The cards offer discounted fare on Metrobus and Metrorail. The Senior SmarTrip® card costs $2 and requires a valid government issued photo ID.
There are a variety of clubs and organizations which welcome seniors participation including Greenbelt Senior Softball and The Golden Age Club. For a full list of clubs, organizations and their contact information, go to the City of Greenbelt website (https://www.greenbeltmd.gov).